Old Tappan Podcast Network

Old Tappan middle school students investigate thoughtful questions to gain a deeper understanding of our world.


Tuesday Jun 23, 2020

In the "podcast episode of the year," Marielle discusses the question: Will the COVID-19 pandemic result in a long-term effect on the environment? Stay-at-home orders have impacted the climate less visibly than previously predicted. However, there is still a chance for the pandemic to positively impact the climate. By analyzing recent data and listening to the perspectives of her classmates, Marielle makes predictions about the future of our changing climate.

Sunday Jun 21, 2020

In this episode, Jaden, Jacob, and Owen try to answer the question: Should Minecraft be a class in school? They will go over pros and cons of putting Minecraft into schools in order to find out whether it’s a good idea to try it or not, and you will hear three interviews from two students and a teacher. In this podcast, you will learn how all things come with risks, and that you have to make a choice on if the benefits outweigh those risks.

Sunday Jun 21, 2020

In this episode, Katie, Amber and Sophia ask the question: What extracurricular activities are you looking forward to in high school? They discuss what 8th graders are looking forward to in their high school experience. You will hear 8 different perspectives about what activities they are going to choose and why. This podcast will make you realize all of the choices you have in high school and what opportunities speak to you. 

Sunday Jun 21, 2020

In this episode, Dylan asks: How has COVID-19 affected me, and how will it affect our future? She discusses her feelings towards the virus and how she’s been able to change her attitude. She reveals that your self-isolation experience is completely in your control. This podcast may help you approach this experience as an opportunity for growth instead of resent it for the things that it has taken away from you.

Friday Jun 19, 2020

In this episode Taylor asks the question, what life will be like after the coronavirus?  She discusses graduation in the time of COVID-19, the uncertainty of beginning high school, and hears from a few students about whether or not life will ever truly get back to normal.

Friday Jun 19, 2020

In this episode, Michael and Jun ask the questions: What is the coronavirus? And why is it so deadly? Through months of research, they discuss the facts and knowledge about the virus that not many people know. You will hear what the coronavirus is, how it started, how the virus spread, and personal opinions on how the virus could have been stopped. This podcast will teach you the importance of quarantine and some knowledge about the global pandemic.

Friday Jun 19, 2020

In this episode, Sophia discusses the question: Is being famous is really worth it? Sophia discusses how it might feel to be a celebrity, and hears some interviews about the positives and negatives that come with fame.  

Monday Apr 13, 2020

In this episode, Ella, Emily, and Elly ask the question: How does technology impact our social skills? More people are communicating through texting or social media apps. Statistics show how teens spend more than one-fourth of their day on their phones and how it affects their social life. Although it may seem like kids are better at socializing with others through the help of technology, is that really the case?

Monday Apr 13, 2020

In this episode, Jack and Yubin ask the question: What does the future carry for pandemics? They discuss the major pandemic that is happening right now, The Coronavirus. We discuss with students and teachers if pandemics would always repeat and have terrible effects on the human population. This podcast will make you realize how bad pandemics can be and what pandemics we humans might have next.  Most of this was recorded before we started remote learning.

Monday Apr 13, 2020

In this episode, Nick and Michael ask the question:How much does Google know about us? Google may know private things about you that you would not be okay with sharing with people.  You will hear 4 different perspectives about the future of your digital privacy. After listening to this you may think twice about how much information you want out there about yourself.

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